Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Random Tuesday

  • How come I am the only one that realizes that if you put bowls and cups facing up in the dishwasher, they will fill with dirty dishwasher crud and need to be rewashed?
  • Whenever I open a Aquafina water-bottle it always spills. Why? I don't spill other brands, just Aquafina. It makes me nuts.
  • How come I can think of a bunch of random thoughts at 3am and then not remember them later?
  • Luckily I got a moleskin book as a Blog Camp prezzie from Shannon. Too bad I couldn't find a pen and didn't want to turn on light and wake hubby.
  • How come sometimes at 3am I am ready to get up and face the world, yet I can barely haul my cookies out of bed at 7?
  • How come sometimes you can do great with your eating and exercising and do everything right and then eat a 1/4 pan of brownies? Not that I'd ever do that. 
  • How come my Dell had better internet than my Mac? Seriously. I can barely use my wonderful Mac in the basement and it pisses me off.
  • Tonight I have a MEPA meeting. Metro-East Pharmacist Association. Read: Old Guys Pharmacy. Plus the meetings don't start til 8pm. I'm ready for wine and bed by 8pm. Makes me nuts. 
  • I was at a MEPA meeting when I found out one of my BFs from high school had breast cancer. I almost fell over. That was 6 months ago. She's already had her chemo and surgeries and I think doing well. She doesn't live in the same city as me so I don't see her often. I'll have to send her a line. Actually I will send some snail mail -- that is always good!
  • Recently I bought several cards with which to send my Moo cards. Some of them were very artsy and close to 10 bucks each. I was shocked they were that much! I figured I could make them myself if I had the time or energy. Oh or TALENT. Guess I'll keep buying them. 
  • What random things are you thinking today?


Barb said...

I so get the dishwasher thing!

Barb said...

What's a Moo card?

Anonymous said...

I can relate to the mac thing.

I was sititng in class and some guy with an old HP was surfing away while I had trouble getting on with my brand new macbook pro.

No fair! Oh well its the exception not the rule. :)

Polly said...

I'm thinking I always get a cold when I least need it. Go away!!

Please post some pictures of your Moo cards! I should really get some of those at last...

Anonymous said...

Oh! Thought of the random thing:

If I read the 19th century original Grey's Anatomy is it going to make me smarter or fill my mind with outdated information?

Optimistic Pessimist said...

i always have the most wonderful brilliant thoughts just as i'm falling asleep, only to be lost upon waking up!

Optimistic Pessimist said...

i always have the most wonderful brilliant thoughts just as i'm falling asleep, only to be lost upon waking up!

spudballoo said...

Oh how funny, I just emailed you to ask if you'd made that card yourself. It's absolutely beautiful!

Thanks so much, a lovely surprise x

McGillicutty said...

Where's my card, where's my card, wtf (that's a where's not a what's) my card!!!!!

OK why do I have to drive for two hours to get to a class for only three hours credit on my cont. ed. for my Ins. License? Dahh... can't they do one locally????

Why don't I plan for things and be on time for once? I hate laties and I'm rapidly becoming one... I'm driving myself nuts!!!!

Bee said...

I can definitely relate to your opening statement.

And I do have some of best thoughts when I can't sleep. Perhaps we should keep notebooks in the bathroom?

Medora said...

The dishwasher thing is something that only women understand. It helps guys get out of having to load the dishwasher, because they know if they do it wrong, you'll have to do it, so eventually you'll say, hey, don't do that, I'll have to do it over anyway, so I'll just do it in the first place. They think we don't know what's going on, but we do.

Goose said...

Only a 1/4 of a pan. I think that's still showing some control! I'm sure I could eat 1/2 a pan. I do love brownies though.

Ice Queen said...

I also know that you cannot put cups or bowls face up. It's okay though...my dumbass roommates didn't know either. We alone must have been blessed with this knowledge.

Tess Kincaid said...

The dishwasher thing is the same at the manor. And the cards remind me I need to answer you!!! Off to do that right now.....

Loredana said...

I usually have random thoughts in the morning on the bus on the way to work or in the evening on the bus going home. Then I will go as far as writing down my thoughts, however they never seem to make it to any blog. Hmmm....I gotta figure that one out.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Re dishes: serve the with the dirty dishwasher in it. Bet they'll remember next time.

Mac: I don't care about your problem because I don't have a Mac and I'm not jealous one bit either.

Brownies: Only 1/4 of the pan? Can I have the other 3/4?

MEPA: Bring wine and the rest of those brownies and play salsa music. That should spice things up.

3 a.m. energy: Why do you have cookies in bed? Do you and hubby have some kinky 9 1/2 weeks thing going on?

julochka said...

i'm thinking that i LOVED the card and the moo cards and the stones and that i want to say a big, giant thank you!!

oh, and i get that 3 a.m. thing. and also the thing about not being able to get up at 7 a.m., which tends to be because of the 3 a.m. bit.

The Blog of Bee said...

"Too bad I couldn't find a pen and didn't want to turn on light and wake hubby."

How is it that they can fall asleep with the light on with tv/radio blaring but the second you put the bedside light on, they are awake?????!!

Mike said...

I got one of those books from Shannon also! I hate when I have a good random thought and cannot remember it. That picture is on the Un MOM's blog. It is her meme. You can take it from me or visit her site! She is linked on my RTT's

k said...

i'm with ya' on the dishwasher thing. Ugh!!

and i'm always coming up with random thoughts at 2am when i'm up with E or in the car...you know, whenever it's impossible to write them down.

Mari Mansourian said...

oh if i had a penny for every brilliant thought that came to me in the middle of the night...
the only other place you get clear thoughts is when you're on the "john"... and no pen there either... oh well

FAQ said...

I love moo cards, they are so cute. send me one and I will send you mine.....also, you are so sweet ....all you kind commnets on my blog....Now a question....why do they tell you to take your cholesterol meds at night?

Hit 40 said...

I have macs and an HP. The geek squad came to install the wireless connection for me. My husband had no luck. I guess mac and hp run better on different waves or something??? You might need to adjust the connection. I did not listen very well to the geeks other than to realize why my hubby was unable to get it to work for our macs.

nanatrish said...

I don't know what Moo cards either. I can relate to the ideas at 3am. I get up to go pee about 5 times a night and I have the greatest thoughts, but when I have started writing things down then I really wake myself up.My random thoughts today are: why do I have such a crazy appetite? Why can't I just pick at my food? In my dreams I'm so willowy and light. When I'm awake I'm so heavy and bulky. I'm so glad I found you through Willow.

Matty said...

I can relate on a lot of your "how comes".

Sharon Rose said...

Oh my gosh! I am glad to know there are others who need a dishwasher support group! Let's start one NOW!

And about that waking up at 3am but sleeping or at least wanting to past 7am, I am feeling your pain!

I got a moleskin notebook from Shannon too~! I just love it!

MLG said...

Random thoughts are a state of being for me. I will share just one from today...

I attended a meeting this afternoon, and the material was dry and boring. So, I started to play closer attention to the man sitting in front of me. I noticed he had one stray, silver, squiggly hair jetting outwart from the ridge of his ear.

My immediate random thought was 'OMG! I wonder if he knows that his ears need a trim?!' Then, I look at his hand to see if maybe he is married. I mean if I was married, I would alert my man that a little 'clip-clip' of the ear hair might be in order, and well, wedding band was there, and then I thought...'how could she ignore that?!'

I could go on with my random thoughts as there was another hour of that meeting to endure. However, I let you off the hook.

Thanks for sharing your random thoughts.

Unknown said...

Yes, what's with that 3am thing? I get it all the time... Maybe I should just get up!
I'm thinking that I'm going to Spain tomorrow, and I'm not ready!

Little Ms Blogger said...

How nice it would be to win lotto...

Goose said...

A lot of people have been commenting on the dishwasher thing. What gets me is that I put my dishes face down duh! And a lot of times the tupperware is still flipped right side up with dishwater in it. So it might not always be someones fault. The crazy dishwasher is to blame!

Keely said...

Moo card?