Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Day in the Life

I've been thinking about the name of my blog and thought I should share what a Day in the Life of a Would-Be Bambi really is. Well, I don't really know exactly what it is. But what I do know is what a day in my life is like so I thought I'd share a little with you.

The first thing I do is wake up at the butt-crack of dawn 5:45 and take Jenny, the oh-so-elegantly sprawled dog to the left, and Juneau (my favorite child ---shhhhh!) on their daily walk. Rain or shine, sleet or snow, we stumble out of bed and go for a walk. Ok that's not true. If it's raining I usually say "screw it" but then I always pay for it later. The deal is that Jenny, our rescue dog, has to poop in very specific places. I can't just shoo her out the door and expect her to do her business. It's a very methodical process and everything has to go just right. God forbid a bird should happen to call, a mild breeze should blow past her butt, or a hapless fly should happen by, poor Jenny wont poop. Trust me. I know. Although what goes in must eventually come out, and if she doesn't poop on the morning walk , I know it's coming out somewhere in my house. Again, only in special places (like on the rug I bought in Turkey, or in front of #6s room - much to her chagrin. Teenage girls do not like poop. Especially not stinky fat dog poop.
After the morning constitutional takes place, I quickly shower and dress for work. At least lately. I do relief work, so luckily I have many days that I can move a bit slower. However I am taking over for a pharmacist on maternity leave so I actually have to get up and go to work most days. It kinda sucks.
My next stop is non-negotiable. I think we all know where this is heading. My neighborhood starbucks. I usually get a grande skinny caramel latte, but lately I've super-sized to a quad venti skinny caramel latte. Must be because I know that it's going to be 98 degrees out I feel the need to get as much coffee in me at one time. Or because working 5 or 6 days a week (when you're used to 2 or 3) kinda sucks.
After I have purchased my mega-latte (ok and sometimes I also purchase a cinnamon scone, does that really make me a bad person???) I begin my commute to work. This is not usually too bad as I tend to stay in a 30mi radius (I prefer the 4mi radius, but I follow the money...) This summer my job is 11 miles from my house, so it's a pretty easy commute. Or should be. If it weren't construction season... (this isn't my photo, but the credits are in the link)

Anyway, my drive to work is usually uneventful and I have time to ponder speed limits, life, or myself in an Audrey Hepburn 'do...

Once I get to the pharmacy the real fun beings. I get about a bazillion calls from druggies wanting to know if their vicodin/xanax/lorcet/soma/ativan/ultram is ready.
In addition there are the many calls of the regualr people wanting refills on blood pressure, cholesteral, or any numerous medical condition medicines. Dont forget there is also the endless phone calls from doctors, nurses, etc wanting to know specifics about medications, dosages, pregnancy classifications, etc. I get calls on many different issues and usually I am more than happy to help the caller out.

Some days I even get to do the crossword puzzle...but I can't always finish it. Darn it.
After a fun filled day in the pharmacy I get to go home to one of several things, depending on the season of course. Sometimes its soccer or field hockey games,
Sometimes it's hanging by the pool...
Sometimes it's working out to relieve stress, or maybe to make myself feel better about all the wine flab squishy parts of me my wonderful husband has to hold on to.
Sometimes it's believing they all really exist...
And sometimes its just being grateful for the most wonderful person in my life...


Sharon Rose said...

So if there are regular people who call, I am assuming you have irregular people who call. If so, do they ask if metimucal or Milk of Magnesia is ready? Seriously, I have got to get back to school. I am totally losing my reverence on this whole blogging addiction!

Mike said...

That is so cool! Why does everyones life sound better than mine?! LOL!

Fidgeting Gidget said...

My dog has the same particular poop problems as yours....only if she gets distracted she starts picking up dirt clods and running around the yard with them in her mouth. Her specific place is right up against the house, but that's bordering on too much info about my dog's bodily functions.

I loved this little glimpse into your life! Your kids and hubby are adorable!

Hit 40 said...

Very nice!

I like that my students resale their parents drugs at school for less than their poor parents paid for the drugs in the first place!!! Parents need to lock up their vicodin.

Medora said...

Butt crack of dawn - I like that. That is my favorite time of day - no one else is up so I can read, write, talk with cat friends, before everything gets crazy.

Amanda said...

This was awesome! I say we all do a "day in the life of" post. I really feel like i know you even better now!

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I'm with Amanda - let's all do this. What a fun post. I am in awe for so many reasons. First of all, you really do have six girls. And you look like a seventh sister. How in the world do you look so good with SIX teenaged girls (and do you ever get a word in?) Your Jenny and my Sassy are poop-challenged sisters. And dear God woman, if that wonderful man of yours hasn't left the estrogen-laden house yet, hold onto him!

McGillicutty said...

Dang I didn't know you had six girls! Mad house! All you left out is how you mumble to yourself incecantly and the gallon of wine while sitting next to the pool... at least that's how I'd cope!! hee hee. I did something like this a while ago, check it out...

k said...

Dang!?! That pool is @ your house? Can I come over? For a minute I thought maybe, just maybe it was a neighborhood pool, but wow - it's gorgeous. You have a beautiful family!!! How fun that must be!! Glad to hear that someones husband rocks.

rxBambi said...

PS: There are many many irregular people who call me wanting to know if their Metamucil or MOM is ready. They are usually so full of shit I don't listen to them...hahaha. So much for irreverency. when you get back to school be sure to say a prayer for me, your lost little lamb. Or am I a ewe? Baa.

Otin: picking up dog poo day after day is a good life to you? I'm a little worried. BTW- I thought of you because my Habitat chapter really really needs a building site overseer...want to come here for the summer? Please???

Gig: what is it with dogs and poop??? I just don't get it! what makes this spot of grass better than another? Sheesh. Just stinking take your poop and be done with it! Husband is totally adorable...the kids have their moments. That pic is about 3 yrs old so they all look totally different. It's hard to get them all together tho...

rxBambi said...

Hit40: Are you sure about that?? I mean, I give away a LOT of vicodin on public aid. I think WE are paying for it, not the parents. I think the kids make out like the little shitty bandits they are...

Medora: while I like waking up at the butt crack of dawn, I really like waking up at the butt crack of noon. Doesn't get to happen much...

Amanda: I would love love love to see a day in your life as well. I was thinking today that I didn't put in anything about cleaning toilets, laundry, dishes etc but its all there!!

rxBambi said...

FM: Oh I am hanging onto my man tight. He's the only one that will put up with me. But of the kids, 2/3 are his, so he has to cope :)
Thanks for the 7th sister thing. Husband is 13 years older than me, so #1 was actually born when I was in high school. But 21 and 38 are life times away, so it works out ok. And with wine I don't need any words...I just smile and nod...

Ali: I'm working on my husband about getting a real wine cellar, but for the moment I will settle for the wine fridge. But yes, it's always with me...and yes, I wine incessantly. Definitely going to check out your day tho.

K13: thanks so much but you aren't seeing the weeds, leaves, worms, frogs, etc that get in the pool. I will never have another. Too much work!! But yes, husband rocks and I am so so lucky. Not sure wha wrong he did to get me tho..

Al-Manar said...

God knows how I happen to be reading your blog. I read about your day and almost immediately differences began to surface between yours and mine. For a start I am not a female person. We live on the opposire sides of the world, a twelve-hour difference in time - you in the west and I in the east. The very liklihood is that we belong to diffenent faiths. You have a job, a profession. I have passed that stage and am doing something to benefit children of my community without any financial return. You have your Jenny but I have none - not encouraged to. Be as it may, our mother earth has shrunk we all are just universally common. Nonetheless, your day is undoubtedly different from my day.

kristine said...

I confess I assumed that some of those girls were cousins or neighbours or something, and am just not realizing from the coments that they all belong to you. I am frankly a little annoyed/envious that you look so good. Anyway I was kind of hoping to find out what the 'would-be Bambi" name is about, where does that come from, is it explained somewhere else?

FAQ said...

Love the whole Adderol/purse thing....I'm so not formally dx'd ADD. Love it.

Optimistic Pessimist said... have a white iphone...that's what i got!!! Now I'm just stalking the web site waiting for it to ship. In fact it's been 20 minutes since I last checked, so I better go check again!