Last week my little community had a golf tournament: the NPG (not PGA) Hooters (yep, Hooters) Sunset Hills Classic. Not sure who all was there, but there were some golfers:

There was a beer cart:

There was a blow up welcome arch:

And the coup de gras...
The Port-a-potties:

Oh yeah. I think they add a little class to da hood, a little je ne sais pas. I can't describe to you the feeling of delight while driving home and finding green mesh fencing and 3 new Johnny-On-The-Spots staring out at you. Classy? You bet. I'm just wondering if the people in Ladue (where Bellerive CC is actually located, the ritzy suburb of St Lou), if those people had to deal with port-a-potties outside their door. I'm just disappointed we didn't get the big Hooters and beer bottle blow ups like the other side of the golf course got.
Well, you know the mid-west. We are a little slower on picking up the latest fashion trend, not quite up to speed on the coolest new technology -- I still cant get U-verse, but by golly I got port-a-potties.
I thought I'd ask my new buddy here about how he stays current with all the new rages. He didn't have much to say...

A beer cart is really all you need. Forget all that other fancy shamncy stuff!
and the potties come in handy also!!!
and a blow up welcome arch surely?
wow, cool turtle.
and hey, port-a-potties are a very good thing--you'd rather have those than actually see the guys standing in the same area, answering nature's call, while you try to sip a glass of white wine in peace on your back porch. :-)
There actually is a port-a-potty 2 holes down from where these were. That one stays there all the time, I think because it's at the furthest point away from the clubhouse. The difference is that one is discreetly tucked in at the edge of the woods -- and you can't see it driving through the neighborhood. Also these 3 potties are at the 12th hole, the clubhouse is right next to 9 and 10, so you'd think if someone had to pee that badly at 12, they'd also have to pee at 9 or 10. Oh well. It's all moot now, the potties are gone, the Hooters are gone as well. Darn it all. As for the big turtle, I haven't seen him since that day. I'm assuming he's ok since I haven't seen him splatted on the pavement. He did pee on me though when I moved him out of the road...right near the port-a-potties. Rude turtle!
I'm around, I just missed you!
I think you captured the most important views! Do you play golf? That is the most lizard-in-a-shell-esque turtle I have ever seen. Must have led a deprived childhood as I never knew turtles had tails like that!
I abhorb using porta-pots. In fact, just the thought makes me gag. On the turtle, O really called it. Lizard in a shell.
O: I *try* to play golf. I was told I had moments of brilliance surrounded by a lot of crap, but that's pretty much what golf is anyway, right? I like to go out and hit balls, but I don't keep score.
FM: I'm right there with ya...I'll hold it thank you very much. Of course as I'm getting older that seems to be more of a challenge, especially if I laugh or sneeze ;-)
otin: you're never on your chat when I have time to play!
Oh no! You're at work on a saturday? I shall stop moaning now!
Actually my dad and I are about to go to Wentworth to see old man Jimenez - it's normally ok to get entry on saturdays after the last pair have tee-d off. It won't be as sunny as your photos though!
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