While some people (can anyone say Coffeypot?) might find this a plus in a woman, I find it rather annoying. Seriously, I'm a grown-up, completely over-educated, a lady, and I like to think I have a modicum of class. And yet.
I can't look at clouds without seeing penises everywhere. Seriously. I have to consciously try to find different shapes while cloud gazing. I'll see a great big stiffy in the sky and laugh - of course - at The Big Guy's sense of humor, then remember how grown-up and mature I am and come up with something more sensible. A mushroom cloud? nah. A tree and two boulders? nope. A couple of tea bags at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower? that's just silly.
Does anyone else have this problem? Or should I have saved it for a TMI Thursday??
This photo isn't even the most suggestive. I did most of my cloud gazing today while in the pool with the camera tucked safely away inside. I think the penises just follow me...
hmmm...wonder what the clouds are trying to say...smiles.
Have you been dipping into the drug supplies at work? LOL
First of all, did a chicken just walk across your comment page?
And you getting to see penises in the sky and I don't get to see vagina's unless it's sliced Honey Baked Ham (with the bone still in it for extra imagination pleasure.)
And yes, I do admire that quality in a woman.
Oh, Yeah! My life in six words,
Growing Old Sux; Being Alive Rocks
Bring On Women; Need House Cleaned
Cock and Balls. In the clouds. LOVE IT.
Yeah, and I'm the idiot who totally lost it at a fire safety meeting last week when they shared a song to teach the kids... something about a fireman and his hose...
I can't believe I was sitting next to you by the pool while you took that picture and you didn't mention the bat and balls in the sky.
So the clouds are talking to you too? and I thought it was just me!
We must be around the same age although I think I'm older than you are.
Penises freaking rock! I see them everywhere too....
Yup, there's totally a wangerang up there...hahaha, you crack me up.
fun reflections!
LOL Bambs!
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