Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday again

Go see Keely at The Un-Mom and link up for some random tuesday goodness.

Today started out on an interesting note. I got up early and went to work only to have another pharmacist show up. If you recall, I'm a temp pharmacist so I only work when people need me. It's a pretty good gig, and I set my own schedule, etc. Well, what happened today is a long story, but I'll see if I can put it in a nutshell.
:: I sometimes work for a temp agengy
:: Sometimes the people at the pharmacies I go to want to hire me as their own temp pharmacist rather than go thru the agency
:: That's fine, but then they owe the agency a finders fee (I don't see a dime of that money)
:: I *think* that the pharmacy I went to today does not want to pay the finders fee
:: I *think* they wanted me to keep my employment with them on the hush-hush, in essence screwing over the temp agency and my contacts there
:: I did not keep it on the hush-hush
:: which is *I think* why they had the other pharmacist show up

So, you want me to work for you because I am a good, honest, responsible pharmacist, yet you want me to lie for you and be your bitch? Hmmm. I don't get it. Sorry.

Okay, enough badness. Here's some goodness. Do you know Goosey? She got married over the weekend! It was a great party. Slasher Norm was there, and Bamboo too. That was fun because I never met her before this weekend. Goosey looked beautiful, the food was great, and the wine was awesome! Today she and her new hubby are jetting off to Jamaica. Hopefully they will stay clear of all the drug lords and enjoy the beautiful white sandy beaches. I'm jealous!

How was your Memorial Day? We had a nice weekend, the weather was beautiful and I am thankful that I'm an American. That reminds me. While I was cleaning the pool I was thinking about PRIDE. Pride is a funny thing. It is one of the Seven Deadly Sins according to the Catholic religion. And yes, I suppose it could be sinful sometimes. But when I say I'm proud to be an American, that doesn't mean that I don't love and respect other countries. London is one of my most favoritest cities in the world. I love all of England. And Scotland. And France. And Italy. And I could go on and on. Oh and Greece. And Canada (sorry michele, it's a beautiful country). Anyway, you get my point, don't you? Also there are times when I'll tell 17yo daughter to have some pride in herself, that she's a great person. Is that a sin? I don't think so. I think that pride and respect go hand in hand. How can I respect your culture, your country, food, religion, looks, etc without respecting my own? None are better than the other, just different. Although in a pinch, I'd have to say that we are the greatest country in the world. Not without our problems, sure, but a pretty darn good place to be. Especially today sitting by the pool, kids and dogs around me. All I need is a glass of wine and life would be good. What do you think of pride? Is it wrong to be proud of yourself? Your accomplishments? Your country? Your kids???

Wow. those were some deep thoughts. Okay. I was *going* to add one of Jack Handey's Deep Thoughts here because I thought that'd be funny. Well, Mr Handey doesn't let you post them on your web site without permission. Plus I couldn't figure out how to ask him for permission. So go here if you want to see the Deep Thought for the day. Although now I'm annoyed that I can't just post the thought. Mr Handey must be PROUD of his thoughts, huh? Grrr.

Agenda for the evening: not a damn thing cuz mr bambi is outta town. Oh, okay I'll have a glass of wine or 3. But that's it. Re-runs of Grey's? Well, if you're going to twist my arm, then sure. Cook dinner? Surely you jest. Finish and just post the damn thing? I'm on it.

Link up and get random peeps.

Oh and ps, I finally got my Skype to work. Email me with your name and we can chat! Woot!


Ducky said...

I got Jamaica and wine....did I miss anything?

Coffeypot said...

Don’t quote me on Catholic teachings or religious dogma, but I thing the Pride they are talking about is, in another word, Arrogance. It is okay to have pride in yourself and your appetence and in your children’s accomplishments. It’s when the arrogance shows up that one is in danger of a down fall. So pride away, Bambi. And I think you are doing the right thing with the pharmacy. If they will be devious and crooked with the temp company, they will be with you, too. And if you do it, it will come back around and bite you in the ass (not a bad thing come to think of it). But not for a company.

Barb said...

Hmmm. And you didn't call me to tell me you weren't working but rather sitting around the pool with kids and dogs.

Michel said...

For the record, I've always hated that other pharmacist and that pharmacy. They don't deserve you.

Love always,

your devoted internet pharmahohlic

McGillicutty said...

pride comes before a fall... just sayin'....like the randomonium!!!!!

June said...

I never have any issues with Ward doing a business trip. Enjoying that bottle of wine all to myself, oh hell ya'!

mean_owen said...

Since you asked, my understanding of the sin of pride (as understood in the 7 deadly sins), is similar to what Coffeypot said. Specifically, it is that arrogance (or exaltation of self) that leads one to think they know better than God (or the Church). Pride is the opposite of the virtue of humility, or willingness to submit to God.

More commonly, "pride" is viewed as sinful when one has an exaggerated view of themselves in relation to others. I personally don't use the term "pride" very much. It's too loaded for me.

Anonymous said...


Yup, Im jealous too!

gretchen said...

Yeah, it's interesting. The word pride has evolved over the years from a negative to a positive. I have no idea how/when this happened. We need to find a word origins experts to teach us something.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Good for you for speaking up. It's good Karma!!!

Doc said...

Ooh Ohh I will skype with you!!

tulpen said...

I had that pride thing going on watching our Memorial Day parade.. got a little choked up even.

Jessi J. Walton said...

Pride is a great thing, unless of course you are too damn PROUD to admit when you are wrong and do things differently for someone else's benefit even if it wasn't your idea and doesn't make YOU look good. thats the kind of pride that sucks. pride that takes OVER!!! i could go on and on and on about that one

Jessi J. Walton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A glass of wine or 3 for an honest pharmacist sounds good to me... you enjoy!

Sameera said...

How about being proud of our own blogs? :P Thats something I need to practice ;)

Loved coming back and reading you again...


tori said...

That pride thing...I agree w coffeepot...pride is okay as long as it doesn't turn into arrogance. I love that you're doing the right thing at work. No wonder I think you're so wonderful!
been out of the loop for a while. nice to see your doing good :)

Otter Thomas said...

Love the Jack Handey mention. Those deep thoughts are hilarious.

I don't know how to answer the pride thing. I know excessive pride can be destructive and definitely is a sin. Where the line should be drawn to define where pride becomes a problem is a tough one. Healthy pride should clearly come with a dose of humility.

Unknown said...

The thing that comes to mind for me about pride is my grand dad saying: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."