Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Random Tuesday

Just a few thoughts to get out of my head so that I can actually get some work done today. Maybe. Be sure to go see Un-Mom because this is all her fault.

Why do I insist upon wearing this blue and white stripped shirt even tho I know it makes me look like a rotund sailor?

How come I haven't put on real shoes in the last 3 days? I've been wearing my slippers. In my defense, you can't tell that they are slippers cuz they look like real shoes. Oh and a caveat, I have been wearing real work-out shoes, but then I take them off and put on my slippers after my shower.

Yesterday I gave blood and now I have a bruise. On the bright side it's just a small bruise, not like last time when my whole upper arm was bruised. On the brighter side than that, they could actually use my blood this time. Last time it clotted too quickly so I had that big-ass bruise for nothing.

It's really hard to get someone's tone thru cyberspace. If you think I'm being mean, chances are it's a miscommunication. I'm actually fairly nice. Well, unless you kick me out of your office... but we don't talk about that. Or if you call me fat, then I might not be nice either. Or if you make fun of my Momma, then I'll have to open up a can of whoop-ass on ya. Hmmm, maybe if you snub me in public, then I'll be mean. Or if you make fun of my kids. Or my fat dog (she's on a diet by the way... and not at all pleased with me). My point is, just talk to me. I joke around a lot and try not to take things too seriously, especially on this blog, but I would never intentionally try to hurt feelings. There's enough evil in the world, I don't think I need to contribute to it.

I have several opportunities on the horizon to meet fellow bloggers and also to see some old friends. This month The Funky Art Queen and her sister are coming to St. Louis and we are going to try to get together. Oh, fyi Barb, you're coming too (I forgot to tell you). Then in march before our cruise we are going to spend a couple days in San Diego so I'll get to see an old friend, Big Red (aka Jim). I'm not sure he really exists tho since he doesn't have a blog, but he does have a fb page. Okay then over spring break, whenever the hell that is, I'm hoping to get up to Chicago to see Tori (and not shop at all... haha). Then hopefully a blogapalooza will be in the mix at Ali's house in April (there's still some space I think so go see her). Then finally in either April or May I'll be heading back to Reno. Look out Sara, I'll be stopping by at some point... I'll let you tell me when tho :) So I'm really excited and keeping my fingers crossed.

I think that's enough rambling for one day. Add that to my nap I took earlier and I haven't gotten anything done today. Hope you have a great tuesday. Don't forget to go see Un-Mom and see who else is playing.


Matty said...

Don't sweat the small stuff. I have clothes too that don't flatter me, but hey, I like them, they're comfy, and that's that.

Our cats are on a diet too. And yes, they aren't happy about it either. It makes them hang around the kitchen all the time, and whenever the hear noise, they come a running hoping for some food.

I envy you getting to meet so many other bloggers. Maybe some day I'll get the chance too.

I'm in my slippers right now. Comfy and that's all that matters. So what if I get company.

tori said...

Sounds like lots of fun plans. I hope spring break works out! :)

McGillicutty said...

OMG..you are positively hippity hopping all over the country in the next few months. I want to go to Chicago and shop with Tori.. and go back to Reno.. and all that other good stuff..(pouts).
You are a lovely person...I will second that!!! sometimes it's funny to kid around on the blog but in real life you're one of the very nicest peeps I know....(kicks feet on the ground, all shy and humble)!!!

Little Ms Blogger said...

I didn't know clothes were supposed to flatter you? Damn. I thought quite the opposite and was pretty pleased with my wardrobe.

Lori said...

Hey, why wasn't I invited to your STL bloggers meeting? I promise not to make any mean comments about the cat or your slippers. What's a gal gotta do? Huh? (LOL)

Doc said...

You may look like a lot of things but I assure you you do not look like a "rotund sailor" - and I never want a can of your whoop ass opened on me... (esp on happy hour Friday... whoopsie!)

Medora said...

I wish I was wearing slippers - I've been wearing boots, not shoes, for past few weeks. Ugh!

Jay said...

I've never given blood. I'm a bad person. ;-)

Brian Miller said...

sounds like you have some fun trips in store. as far as what you are wearing, as long as you are comfortable is my motto. good job giving blood. and why was your tone so harsh in this post...lol.

Bee said...

Even in real life, tone can be difficult to interpret. I always try to assume that people aren't deliberately hurting my feelings!

Please share the slippers which look like shoes. Mine just look like nasty ole slippers.

Mike said...

You had me at rotund sailor! LOL! Funny random thoughts.

Very true what you say about peoples tone. Sometimes it is hard to chat or communicate by email without getting someone s feelings hurt for no reason. It is amazing how emotion and tone really set a stage for communication!

Coffeypot said...

“…I have been wearing real work-out shoes, but then I take them off and put on my slippers after my shower.” Why do you take a shower in your work-out shoes? And,

“There's enough evil in the world, I don't think I need to contribute to it.” I do. I have to feel I’m contributing to something. Besides, ‘Good’ is over rated. As I told my wife, “Good girls go to Heaven; Bad girls go to Europe, the Bahamas, Cancun, and other places - FREE.”

FAQ said...

I really think it is so cool that you want to connect, I hope you and sis will have a drink with us and maybe even go to the show. I"m sure we will enjoy each other...l.hugs....love your blog....lesley.

Sameera said...

Excuse me, dint you trade that 'not catching up with blog friends' for the 'cruise trip to Mexican Riviera'? This, what you are doing now is not fair. Your Hubs is gonna label it 'so woman-like' :P

Unknown said...

Ugh... I hate gettin' stuck with those huge needles! I always get super bruised!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh, man! Coffeypot asked the same question I was going to ask about your work-out shoes!! :)

Sounds like you have lots of exciting plans coming up! Hopefully I'll be able to go to the blogapalooza at Ali's house - just have to finagle hubby on the whole Nagger coverage... ;)