Sunday, October 11, 2009

Five Little Words- Part deux

I am going to give this another shot. Recently Little Ms Blogger passed along a meme giving me five words to comment on in an effort to get to know each other better. In yesterday's post I sort of went overboard on Marriage so I didn't want to include all the other words for fear of driving you all away. Today I am going to try to succinctly get through the remaining four words :)

Motherhood: I think motherhood is the hardest job ever. Parenting in general is tough. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but the responsibility can be overwhelming. I've heard it said derisively that anyone can have kids but you have to apply for a dog license, and that is so true. Getting pregnant is the easy part. Actually, changing diapers, breast feeding with cracked and bleeding nipples, and waking up at all hours of the night to comfort a crying baby... that's the easy part. The scary part is that you are responsible for making a grown up. That sweet little baby will one day be on her own and making her own decisions. How will you know that she will make the right choices? Will she choose a peer group that is good for her? Will she respect herself? Does she have enough respect for herself to avoid drugs, reckless driving, abusive friends and boyfriends? Have you instilled the values that are important to you? Will she give of herself to make the community a little better? Will she volunteer her time to charitable organizations? Will she read? Exercise? Eat healthy? Treat her own children with respect?
Now that my girls are teenagers these are the thoughts that plague me. Just today we were talking about children, toddlers in particular. My daughter said "Ugh, remind me never to have kids." Well, while a screaming toddler can be a challenge as anyone with any sense will tell you, I sometimes reminisce about my own little ones; the snuggling close on a saturday morning, the smell of a freshly bathed baby, the soft spot right on the top of their heads pulsing with her heart beat, sticky fingers and pb&j for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The funny, matter of fact comments only children can make: "Daddy's poo poo burns my nose" and "I am NOT a butt-fish". It made me sad to think that my daughter might not share those same memories. I told her I'd want her to have children of her own someday. She'd be missing out on one of life's greatest gifts... just don't have them any time soon.

Bliss: I've been giving this one a lot of thought. The problem with bliss is that it's fleeting. Right now I'm sitting in my clean kitchen, the house is empty, I have on a pot of vanilla coffee and my Erin Bode cd. I spent the entire afternoon with my daughter Jessica (16) and we went to the Galleria and had a wonderful time bonding (okay and shopping too). My point is that right now this is bliss for me. Last night, however, my feelings of bliss were of a completely different nature. Last night my hubby and I shared a wonderful bottle of red from a local Missouri winery (yes, missouri has wineries), then we went up to bed and, well, you get the point. This morning bliss was staying warm and snuggly in bed while he got up at 5:45 to go to a soccer game, then sleeping another 4 hours with my dogs at my side.
So here are three separate instances of *bliss* in the last 24 hours, and they have nothing to do with one another. They don't reflect my moments of bliss over the last week, month, or year.
Although I have bad days just like everyone else, I also have perfect moments of bliss that I can find, if I only dare to look. Those moments can range from the satisfaction of finding and correcting an error on a prescription to an unexpected kiss from my husband, from my favorite Starbucks barista preparing my latte without needing confirmation to getting home from work and having dinner already made (whether by crock pot or a family member's initiative). What about stepping on the scale and finding you're down a couple pounds even though you weren't trying? Putting on last year's coat and finding a $20? Lipgloss that stays on even after you finish your coffee (Clinique Full Potential Lips in Cream Soda). Charles Schultz said Happiness is A Warm Puppy. I completely agree.

Where do you find bliss?

Well there are three of the words. Two more to go. I think I will wait and post the other two in the next day or so. Remember to let me know if you want to play. Also, I won't forget about you, but I want the words to be specific to you so it might take me a couple days to get back to you. Oh and if I see more comments about where are the rest of the words, I'll know you didn't read to the end. Goose. And Little Ms Blogger. You have been unmasked. Good thing I heart you both. xxoo


Mango Girl said...

Ha! HA!HA!

Love the Snoopy picture and your descriptions of bliss & motherhood (truly the toughest job you will ever LOVE!)

xo, Mango

Little Ms Blogger said...

I loved your take on both words, particularly bliss.

I would have to agree it comes in spurts and varies, but it's good to know it visits you.

Love what you've done and am looking forward to the rest.

Also glad someone else got in trouble with me. Thanks Goose.

p.s. Love Snoopy - absolutely favorite...

Brian Miller said...

nice. as a dad, i will agree, motherhood is the hardest job. bliss is fleeting, off to look for a bit of it in my coats from last year!

Mike said...

A mother has the hardest job in the world. There is a Queen song called loser in the End, about a Mother's plight. Here is a sample of the lyrics:

"She washed and fed, and clothed and cared
For nearly twenty years
And all she gets is "goodbye ma"
And the nightimes for her tears
She's got to be the loser in the end"

It is so true. A Mother gives unconditionally, and in the end does not get a lot in return!

tori said...

these are soooo good! I love it! Happiness is a warm puppy and no poo in your shoe!

Beth said...

Great explanation of motherhood and bliss. Both have so much more to do with a great attitude like yours. :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

I love this post! You have summed up Motherhood and Bliss so perfectly. You ROCK! And I'm looking forward to what the other words are, too! :)

JW.BW said...

Im just getting started into stepmother hood, and its a trip so far!! I really love your description of bliss. Its so wonderful that you really appreciate your life. So many people spend so much time just wishing for things they dont have instead of enjoying what they do have. Its so great to read your posts, your love of life is amazing.

Anonymous said...

so so right about motherhood. the fear can be so overwhelming.. but you just put your faith in God and know that you'll do whatever, however you can.. to help guide them into adulthood. then, you sit back and wait to see what lessons they've taken in.. and which they've chosen to ignore. i sometimes think that's the most scarey part of parenting. since we have one who listened, and one who chooses every tough road there is.. you soon realize that just as God gives us free choice.. so we must give our children. and we now know how God can love us, even if we fall. that's the lesson i've learned along the way.

thanks for dropping by and watching the video of my girl singing at PBR event. it wasn't a rodeo, but the Professional Bull Riders.. very exciting!! we stayed for the entire first half, and saw multiple 8 second rides!! and yes, they do put on one heck of a show! i highly recommend going!

have a great week!! :D

♥ Braja said...

I liked Otin's comment....good one....

McGillicutty said...

what the heck??? where are the rest of the freakin' words???? LOL just kidding of course I read every word three times over and take a test before I comment!!!! xx

Barb said...

I totally agree about the warm puppy! And I was thinking about my teenage son who was so cute as a little one. He used to say "I'm scary" when he was scared.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

so true about motherhood. my son is 8, and he's easy right now. i dread the future.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Great take on both words but the motherhood hit home. It IS the hardest job ever and one you can't get a degree in either. The responsibility of tutoring a little one into adulthood with all the values that are important are a life time commitment. It isn't a job you can readily get fired from and you better darn well do a good job on the way! In the end, you have created and nurtured true BLISS!

Green-Eyed Momster said...

You really nailed motherhood. It's a bitter sweet job knowing that you're just raising the kids and they will leave you. I can't wait for grandkids. I love babies and toddlers a lot.

Bliss is how I describe the feeling that we're raising good kids. My kids really make me proud. I also like helping people. I love it. I miss it and it's only been a week since I quit.

I can't wait to read more of your posts. I added you to my list of Thought Provokers so I'll know when you update.


Hit 40 said...

Ok... Where is this willow ball??? I shall come over and rumble for my blogger hubby

LOL!! Otin would love that too much!!

k said...

OK - leave it to me to jump on the bandwagon..all the cool kids are doing it...send me 5 words please.

Loredana said...

Loved your moments of bliss. They are fleeting but thank God for silence every once in a while to reflect on these moments of bliss...