Sunday, July 5, 2009

Switching Teams

Do you remember your first time? I do. It's clearly embedded in my mind. It was 1990 and I was young, scared, and so uncertain of what I wanted. I was in college and I thought I knew everything. I thought I knew what it was all about. All the kids were doing it, some going one way and some going the other. I thought surely it was time for me to do it as well. The problem was, I didn't know which team I wanted to be on. Who was I to go to bat for? Some people said I should go the most acceptable route, others said I should venture onto the path less traveled. One way or the other I knew I'd always remember my first, and I wanted it to be special, to last as long as possible. I also knew that once I chose a team it'd be so hard to switch. Going back and forth was unheard of.

Finally I gathered the courage I needed and went for it.

I bought a PC. It was an HP. It was big and boxy and so ugly. I didn't know how to do anything with it except draw pictures, write papers, and play Police Squad. It was amazing. I'm not sure how long that PC lasted me, but it was only the first of many. I have had HPs, Toshibas, Gateways, Dells. But I was always a PC.

But today a significant part of me has changed. Today, after almost 20 years of being a PC, I am officially a Mac. I have heard there is a learning curve. In fact, I'm already experiencing some difficulties, but I am trying to be patient and accept things as they are. I knew that by switching teams I was going to come across some differences in equipment, but so far it has not been unduly difficult. I still have some questions, but I am slowly learning.

Have any of you switched teams? Do you have any suggestions to offer a newbie like myself?


rxBambi said...

Ok so obviously I need help with the photos! Yikes! Someone help me!

Anonymous said...

LOL ... I have a PC at home and a Mac at work. Initially the Mac was difficult but I think I like it more now. The shortcuts seem so much user friendly and as I am an ipod and iphone nut it makes life much easier. Good luck!

Cyndy said...

Welcome to the world of Macs! I know that you will be extremely pleased. Don't try to think about what is different. Just think what would make sense (blocking the dark side, if possible).

If you have any questions, just let me know. I am here to help. (I will be incommunicado during the next couple of days during the day--working on a project on-site.) I will reply within 24 hours. Plus there are many other Mac users that you blog with daily. Just ask. Mac users are always glad to share their love..

The photo files (or lack of) appear that the pictures were not saved in the right format. The format I use for Blogger is .jpg and this is how:

Import pictures into iPhoto from your camera (simply plug camera into USB port and iPhoto will automatically start up and will then ask if you want to import photos). Click Import (bottom right screen).

Select what you want to use, and export photo(s) from iPhoto (File>Export) designating you want it to be ,jpg when dialog box pops up (it also gives you options for sizes, quality, etc.). Continue. The next dialog box asks what you want to call the file and where you want to save it. (Mac will automatically append .jpg or you can write it--doesn't matter) You can save to your Desktop or to a designated folder (can create a folder on the fly--see button bottom left corner when saving/exporting). You are now ready to upload to Blogger. It is easier to do than to read about. Many other options exist, but don't want to give too much information without specifically knowing what went wrong for you. Again, just let me know.

And my first time? Oh, yes, I remember it well. It was in college, as well. And a couple of years later it started a true love affair that continues 20+ years later...

Michel said...

Umm...No! But I think the mac's are totally cute and if I weren't so lazy and not into learning, I would have switched.

Lemme know how it goes. If you say it is easy enough and write me out a detailed cheat sheet, then come to sudan and teach me - then come back when I forget what you teach me - I will TOTALLY get one!!!

Unknown said...

I've always used both at work, but I only bought my first Mac a couple of years ago. I love it! In fact I do everything with Apple now, Ipod, Mac, Iphone and it's amazing how well everything works! Mac is great and you'll soon realize it's actually easier than to use than a PC!

k said...

ok so I was totally thinking you were talking about something else...I don't know a thing about Macs!

spudballoo said...

Oh welcome to the 'other side' does take a bit of getting used to...eeek what no hash key?!! you'll love it! xx

Indiri Wood said...

But the dark side has cookies... :(

Medora said...

I adore my Mac - it was expensive but I had a dissertation/technology grant from school so I was able to splurge. I have a PC at work and there is just no comparison at all.

kristine said...

i am thinking i may have to switch sides next time i get a new laptop....its intimidating though. I dont like having to read instructions...

McGillicutty said...

O.M.G. i am greeeeennn with envy, not that I have ever used one but I hear they are spectacular, my boss has one and swears by it, says it's awesome for all his media type stuff, he's a gadget guru and says pc's totally suck. give it time, you will be a pro before you know it.... yay for you... Ali.

rxBambi said...

Eternally: I think I am going to need all the luck I can get. I'm having some issues but trying not to get frustrated...

Cyndy: thanks for the advice, I will try it. I was trying to get it from my email and, of course, I couldn't right click to save it. That's going to be an issue with me I think. But I'll give it a shot! Unfortunately I'll be at work all day everyday and not have time just to play and learn. But when I think of a half way intelligent question I will come to you!

Michel: as soon as I get it figured out I'll get that cheat sheet ready...not sure I really want to go to sudan though, you might have to tempt me with wine. And cookies.

rxBambi said...

B: I'm definitely becoming more apple friendly (ipod, iphone, and now mac) but I hate the learning curve...

Otin: Dang it! I totally wanted you to comment, that's why I wrote it!

K13: Ditto...I thought it was funny. Could be just my goofy sense of humor (or lack of)

Spud: I'm not sure what the hash key is...right now I'm missing my right click...

Sara: I am all for cookies!! Bring them on. With wine of course cuz everything goes with wine.

rxBambi said...

Medora: that's what everyone says, but let me refer back to the whole learning curve thing. It's annoying not knowing everything...

Kristine: I totally feel your pain, and hating it :)

Ali: I need all the "yays" I can get right now. I like it, but don't know everything yet!

Beth said...

My teenaged son swears he is happier with a Mac. He says it makes him smile more. I'm beginning to wonder now...

Jaime said...

i never liked macs. not that there was anything wrong with them. i just couldn't figure them out.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I actually felt my face flush as I was reading! I thought you were saying you didn't know if you wanted to be straight or gay. I was so totally shocked. You had me, hook, line, and sinker. That shit was funny!

Optimistic Pessimist said...

i have thought about switching teams quite often actually. in fact i might do it the next time I but a new laptop.

good luck with your new team.

Margaret said...

What a sly tease at the beginning of your post. Very clever. I've switched teams several times, but now I'm back to my Mac and I'm not going to swtich anymore. Thanks for visiting my blog.

rxBambi said...

Beth: My kids are NOT smiling cuz they all have PCs...

Jaime: well, like I've said I'm still learning, but liking it pretty well

JAG: LOL! That's what I was going for... GOTCHA :D

OP: Thanks, I need all the help I can get

Marg: I am quite a tease, glad you liked it ;)

JennyMac said...

haha. Great post. I am PC only and leave MAC for the design wizards in our office.

julochka said...

you will be so happy. i was originally a mac, then accidentally became a PC when i accidentally worked for microsoft for a few years, and now i've been back to mac for almost a year. i can tell you, they're the best team. ever. and once you realize you can just drag & drop stuff (pictures) onto your desktop instead of right clicking, you'll never look back. welcome to the real world!


Cyndy said...

Julochka does have a great point about drag and drop, which works wonderful from (most) apps to apps. But if you are a right-click girl, you can use the "ctrl" button (control button), three spaces right from your space bar. This is very convenient for saving images (single click on image while also holding the ctrl key and a dialog box will pop up), spell checking (just highlight the word and ctrl click and it will show you options), and so much more. This is the biggest change I hear from most Windows users, and the solution is super easy, especially for keyboard people (for which Macs are the best!).

P.S. No such thing as a stupid question. Just ask.

P.P.S. Hope I am not getting too techy for you. Am deep in the realm of the Mac world right now with projects and speaking the language daily. Just stop me if too much...